Taking us back to 2000 and the 1940s simultaneously

Here’s a little behind-the-scenes from a pinup layout I shot for Hot Rod magazine a few years back. It was a fun project, shot over several days both in studio and on location. I shot it mostly with Hasselblad cameras, but had just started shooting digitally with a Nikon Coolpix. You’d think a Coolpix, especially back in the day, wouldn’t have been good for print. Quite the opposite.
The small camera was great for the shot of Linda O’Neill, especially. Linda was about 20 feet in front of the Purple People Eater. With the Hassy and tens of thousands of watt-seconds, I was getting f/11. One or the other was in focus, but not both. With the tiny sensor on the Coolpix, the depth of field carried all the way through at f/11.

It was a lot of coordination lining up the models, scheduling them, locations, cars, etc. but it came together beautifully. Shoots like that are so amazing and fulfilling.
Here’s the behind-the-scenes video: